Joner att kunna utantill

The exercise was created 2023-01-17 by HugBen. Question count: 45.

Select questions (45)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Vätejon H+
  • Litiumjon Li+
  • Borjon (B)3+
  • Natriumjon Na+
  • Magnesiumjon (Mg)2+
  • Aluminiumjon (Al)3+
  • Kaliumjon K+
  • Kalcium (Ca)2+
  • Bariumjon (Ba)2+
  • Hydridjon H-
  • Nitridjon (N)3-
  • Oxidjon (O)2-
  • Fluoridjon F-
  • Fosfidjon (P)3-
  • Sulfidjon (S)2-
  • Kloridjon Cl-
  • Bromidjon Br-
  • Jodidjon I-
  • Järn(II)jon (Fe)2+
  • Järn(III)jon (Fe)3+
  • Koppar(I)jon Cu+
  • Koppar(II)jon (Cu)2+
  • Zinkjon (Zn)2+
  • Silverjon Ag+
  • Bly(II)jon (Pb)2+
  • Krom(III)jon (Cr)3+
  • Manganjon (Mn)2+
  • Nitratjon (NO3)-
  • Vätesulfatjon (HSO4)-
  • Sulfitjon (SO3)2-
  • Oxoniumjon H3O+
  • Vätekarbonatjon (HCO3)-
  • Divätefosfatjon (H2PO4)-
  • Fosfatjon (PO4)3-
  • Ammoniumjon (NH4)+
  • Manganatjon (MnO4)2-
  • Kromatjon (CrO4)2-
  • Nitritjon (NO)2-
  • Sulfatjon (SO4)2-
  • Tiosulfatjon (S2O3)2-
  • Hydroxidjon OH-
  • Karbonatjon (CO3)2-
  • Vätefosfatjon (HPO4)2-
  • Permanganatjon (MnO4)-
  • Dikromatjon (Cr2O7)2-

All None

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