Kap.26 Sharks!

The exercise was created 2015-04-10 by zperbos. Question count: 36.

Select questions (36)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • shark haj
  • go diving dyka
  • harmless ofarlig
  • watch out for se upp för
  • sharp vassa
  • place plats
  • cage bur
  • killed dödad
  • the most dangerous det farligaste
  • bump stöta på
  • diving school dykarskola
  • eastern östra
  • run driva
  • crystal clear kristallklar
  • the Great Barrier Reef Stora barriärrevet
  • leopard shark leopardhaj
  • towards emot, mot
  • quite ganska
  • frightening skrämmande
  • that att
  • blacktip reef shark svartfenad revhaj
  • attack anfalla
  • compared to jämfört med
  • great white vithaj
  • will kommer att, ska
  • South Africa Sydafrika
  • far långt
  • Cape Town Kapstaden
  • over the years under årens lopp
  • Animal djur
  • world värld
  • safe säker
  • past förbi
  • bite bita
  • afraid rädd
  • find out ta reda på

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