Kemi 1 || Kemiska tecken och joner

The exercise was created 2021-05-26 by abc_cba. Question count: 37.

Select questions (37)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • väte H
  • helium He
  • litium Li
  • beryllium Be
  • bor B
  • kol C
  • kväve N
  • syre O
  • fluor F
  • neon Ne
  • natrium Na
  • magnesium Mg
  • aluminium Al
  • kisel Si
  • fosfor P
  • svavel S
  • klor Cl
  • argon Ar
  • kalium K
  • kalcium Ca
  • järn Fe
  • guld Au
  • silver Ag
  • koppar Cu
  • brom Br
  • jod I
  • bly Pb
  • zink Zn
  • kvicksilver Hg
  • nickel Ni
  • sulfatjon SO4^2-
  • nitratjon NO3^-
  • karbonatjon CO3^2-
  • fosfatjon PO4^3-
  • hydroxidjon OH-
  • ammoniumjon NH4+
  • oxoniumjon H3O+

All None

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