The exercise was created 2023-09-29 by johnsamueltorstensson. Question count: 30.

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  • near cerca
  • between entre
  • behind detrás
  • beside junto
  • before antes
  • after después
  • during durante
  • until hasta
  • off, (away or down from, not on) The glas fell off the table. de
  • by, (author, creator) Hamlet is a play by Shakespeare. de
  • by, (agent in passives) The tree was cut down by his neighbour. por
  • along, (following the length of) A fence runs along the river for safety. a lo largo
  • in, (inside) I left your book in the car. en
  • on, (atop) Your book's on the table. en
  • at, (location) He's at home right now. en
  • through, (in one end and out another) Pass the mixture through a sieve. por
  • about, (on the subject of) I went to the library to to look for a book about cats. sobre
  • above, (over) She hung a picture above the fireplace. sobre
  • under, (below, beneath) debajo
  • for, (intended, designed) The small fork is for the salad. para
  • since, (from past point until now) He has worked there since 2015. desde
  • from, (starting point in movement) We walked from the house. desde
  • from, (place of origin) I am from Sweden. de
  • from, (distance) We drove 2km from the mall. de
  • to, (destination) I went to Belize. a
  • up, (on a higher level) The restrooms are up the stairs. arriba
  • far, (not close to) lejos
  • within, (time: before the end of) The project is due within three days. dentro
  • within, (on the inside of) Stay within the boundaries. dentro
  • on the other side al otro lado

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