Labbdugga cell- och molekylärbiologi

The exercise was created 2019-02-12 by tine11. Question count: 8.

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  • PCR lysering vävnad, lyseringsbuffert, proteinas K
  • PCR preparering 99, 5% etanol, 70% etanol, dH2O
  • PCR kvantifiering dH2O, genomiskt DNA
  • PCR amplifiering dH2O, templat, Taq DNA polymeras, naCl, Tris-HCl, MgCl2, dNTP, uppströmsprimer 18-mer, nedströmsprimer 16-mer
  • PCR verifiering agaros, TAE-buffert, SYBR safe DNA gel stain, PCR produkt, storleksmarkör generuler, TAE-buffert
  • Ligering PCR produkt, pMOS-Blue vektor, T4 DNA-ligas, dH2O, Ligasbuffert
  • plasmidpreparation TENS-buffert, NaAc, RNase A-lösning, 99, 5% etanol, 70% etanol, dH2O
  • restriktionsklyvning Fällt DNA, dH2O, restriktionsenzym EcoRI, Restriktionsenzym HindIII, Restriktionsenzymbuffert

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