Looking for Alaska (Vocabulary Test)

The exercise was created 2024-11-18 by Saad_Kamran. Question count: 31.

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  • sophomore student in the second year of a 4 year education (= andraårstuderande)
  • lament to express sorrow, morning or regret (=beklaga, klaga, sörja)
  • mischief when you are up to no good (= hyss)
  • deadpanned said without emotion, blankly, flatly. (= gravallvarligt, uttryckslöst)
  • bolster to give boost to (=stärka, stötta upp)
  • aloof Distant, removed, mentally or physically. Unfriendly manner. (= reserverad, distanserad)
  • taunt To ridicule (= att håna)
  • albeit even though, although
  • saad =sigma
  • suave smooth, charming, elegant though often superficially gracious and sophisticated (= mild, älskvärd, charmig)
  • epiphany an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure (= uppenbarelse)
  • smirk to smile in a condescending or smug way (= flin)
  • startle To shock or frighten or catch by surprise. (= skrämma, överaska)
  • faux-condescending the prefix “faux” means fake or insincere and condescending is patronizing or showing superior attitude towards others. So this expression means pretending to be condescending. (= låtsas-nedlåtande)
  • fatigue a constant feeling of exhaustion and weariness, sleepiness or tiredness. (= trötthet, utmattning)
  • conscientious conforming to/guided by one's conscience. Someone who is conscientious is also moral. (= skötsam, plikttrogen)
  • coax to influence or persuade someone by urging or flattering (= övertyga, truga, lirka)
  • proximity closeness (= närhet)
  • dorm (short for “dormitory”) a room for sleeping (= sovsal, studenthem)
  • mound heap, pile (= hög, hop, kulle)
  • study (noun) a room devoted for studies or literary pursuits (= arbetsrum, kontor)
  • eerie mysterious, strange, unexpected (scary) (= spöklikt, kusligt)
  • cadence The rhythmic flow of sounds in a language (= takt, rytm, kadens)
  • haphazardly without plan, order or direction (= slarvigt, slumpmässigt)
  • fathom a unit of length (1.83 metres) or to understand/comprehend (= famn / fatta, förstå)
  • contraband illegal or prohibited goods and merchandise (= smuggelgods)
  • backpedal o retreat or move backwards, to bail on an opinion (= bromsa, backa ur, dra sig ur)
  • coincide o occupy the same place in space or time, to be in agreement (= sammanfalla, stämma överens)
  • wreak havoc to cause great damage (= åstadkomma förödelse, skapa kaos)
  • illicit not permitted (= olagligt, olovligt)
  • loitering to remain in an area for no obvious reason (= stå och hänga)

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