Love Life

The exercise was created 2023-12-05 by MaKj1001. Question count: 64.

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  • ex-girlfriend a woman who used to be someone's girlfriend, but is not anymore
  • in the pink (informal) feeling healthy and happy
  • fallen in love started to love someone deeply
  • the one (here) the perfect man or woman for someone
  • the pub a local bar serving alcohol
  • fit (here; informal) attractive
  • two-timing (informal) unfaithful; having another boyfriend/girlfriend secretly
  • heart broken made to feel sad by a loved one leaving or betraying you
  • soulmate a person you have a special relationship with because you understand each other’s feelings
  • got it really bad (informal) deeply in love
  • smitten suddenly feeling you are in love with somebody
  • loved up (informal) overwhelmed with feelings of love
  • love at first sight falling in love the first time you see someone
  • fancied (informal) was sexually attracted to
  • she just gets me (informal) she completely understands me
  • I asked her out I asked her to go out with me for a romantic meeting
  • date (here) a romantic meeting for an activity
  • steady on (informal) calm down; do not rush
  • relationship (here) a romantic or sexual friendship
  • express to show or tell people about your feelings or opinions
  • falling out of love to stop loving someone
  • split up stop having a relationship with someone
  • dumped (informal) ended a romantic relationship with someone, possibly quickly and unexpectedly
  • dare be brave enough to do something
  • staring looking at somebody or something for a long time with wide-open eyes
  • spectacular amazing to look at; impressive
  • once-in-a-lifetime very rare; doesn't happen often
  • Manhattan an island neighbourhood in New York
  • accomplices people who help someone to commit a crime
  • hold up to steal from somewhere using the threat of violence
  • branch an individual office of a business organisation, such as a bank
  • raid a quick attack, usually by a small group of people
  • would-be describes someone trying to become a type of person such as a robber
  • motivation reason for doing something
  • committing a crime breaking the law; doing something illegal
  • FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation - a US national police force
  • gender reassignment the process of changing your sex, from male to female or the reverse
  • homosexual attracted to people of the same sex
  • gay attracted to people of the same sex
  • siege when an armed force surrounds something, for example a building, with the intention of taking control of it
  • bandits armed thieves
  • documentary a film or television programme giving facts about something
  • compelling very interesting
  • eccentric someone who behaves in a strange way
  • blast from the past something that reminds you clearly of an earlier time
  • love at first sight when people fall in love the first time they see each other
  • an item (informal) a couple in a long-term relationship
  • to dump (informal) to finish a relationship with someone, maybe without warning
  • seeing (here) having a romantic relationship
  • regretted felt sorry about something you did or have not been able to do
  • fancied (informal) was attracted to
  • asked her out invited 'her' to go out as a way of starting a romantic relationship
  • sixth form prom a school dance for 16-18-year-olds
  • divorcee someone who is not married anymore
  • brunette a woman with dark-brown hair
  • passionate (here) with strong feelings of love
  • drifted apart gradually became less close
  • C’est la vie! (French) that’s life!
  • footman a male servant who delivers letters and messages
  • croquet a traditional English game played on grass. Players use long wooden hammers called mallets to hit wooden balls along the grass and through arches made of curved pieces of metal
  • grinning (verb to grin) smiling very widely
  • pots and pans containers that people cook and serve food in
  • plates and dishes the flat (usually ceramic) objects that people serve and eat food from
  • mad crazy

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