Luckmeningar see-split

The exercise was created 2018-10-28 by carwin. Question count: 23.

Select questions (23)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • My soccer team sold socks and flowers to earn money. (sålde)
  • Tom regretted that he had shown Sue his favourite hiding-place. (visat)
  • I hope you'll like the food. I have spent hours in the kitchen. (tillbringat)
  • . Spin around so I can see how the dress fits. (snurra)
  • Sue would never forget how the Ilama had spat her in the face. (spottat)
  • He was so rude! He shut the door in my face. (stängde)
  • We had not spoken to each other for two years when she suddely called me yesterday. (pratat)
  • The police shot the suspect in his left leg. (sköt)
  • He just shook his head and refused to say anything. (skakade)
  • Do you like to sing ? (sjunga)
  • Once we had set the car in motion it was easy to push it out of the way. (satt)
  • I always send my sister a Christmas card. (skickar)
  • I have never seen you here before, are you new? (sett)
  • Mike didn't mean to set fire to the curtain. (sätta)
  • It smells like something is burning in the kitchen. (luktar)
  • Don't forget to split the logs in half before you take them in. (dela)
  • Tom is going to sing for us at tonight's performance. (sjunga)
  • Have you ever sent a text message to the wrong person? (skickat)
  • Lisa sells handbags that she has designed herself. (säljer)
  • Tom speaks English very well. (talar)
  • I remember when we sat on a beach in Thailand. (satt)
  • The children look so calm and beautiful when they sleep . (sover)
  • Don't spend all your money on candy and computer games. (göra av med)

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