Magic 6, ch.1

The exercise was created 2013-08-25 by etmarite. Question count: 35.

Select questions (35)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • you're kidding du skojar
  • point peka
  • sky himmel
  • outer space yttre rymden
  • really verkligen
  • for short kort och gott
  • spaceship rymdskepp
  • slowly sakta
  • earth jorden
  • shone lyste
  • warmly varmt
  • fast snabbt
  • plant planta, växt
  • took tog
  • stood stod
  • forest skog
  • visitor besökare
  • quietly tyst
  • heard hörde
  • scientist vetenskapsman
  • van skåpbil
  • kind vänlig, snäll
  • ground mark
  • not really inte riktigt
  • heart hjärta
  • inside inne i
  • strangely underligt
  • excited upphetsad
  • teach lära
  • dangerous farlig
  • turn back vända tillbaka
  • ran sprang
  • above ovanför
  • sky himmel
  • flew flög

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