Magic 6, ch7:2

The exercise was created 2014-01-08 by etmarite. Question count: 31.

Select questions (31)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • travel diary resedagbok
  • airport flygplats
  • a.m. på morgonen
  • crowded fullt med folk
  • check in checka in
  • security säkerhetskontroll
  • finally till slut
  • suntan oil sololja
  • jet-lagged trött av tidsomställningen
  • wet regnigt, blött
  • straight direkt
  • dive dyka
  • Portuguese portugisisk
  • Catholic katolsk
  • church kyrka
  • according to enligt
  • mythology mytologi
  • appear uppenbara sig
  • fire avfyra
  • arrow pil
  • heavenly himmelsk
  • fabulous fantastiskt
  • impressive imponerande
  • cheeky fräck
  • delicious utsökt
  • dich rätt
  • spicy kryddstarkt
  • shopaholic besatt av shopping
  • pirated copies piratkopior
  • cotton hammock bomullshängmatta
  • freckle fräkne

All None

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