Mongrel - para ihop meningar

The exercise was created 2018-02-20 by evaulrika. Question count: 20.

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Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • En trendig liten jacka. A trendy little jacket.
  • Vilken ras är det? What breed is it?
  • Han är adopterad. He is adopted.
  • Kan du hålla i hans koppel? Can you hold his lead?
  • Vad heter han? What's his name?
  • Hunden heter Monster. The dog's name is Monster.
  • De har en meny för hundar. They have a menu for dogs.
  • Jag gillar hälsosam mat. I like healthy food.
  • De finns i hundstorlekar nu. They come in dog sizes now.
  • Han är på hunddagis på dagarna. He stays in at day care center during the day.
  • Han har en egen hundtrimmare. He has got his own dog groomer.
  • Släng åt honom ett ben att gnaga på. Chuck him a bone to gnaw.
  • Jag orkar inte bry mig. I can't be bothered.
  • Hunden morrar åt mig. The dog is growling at me.
  • Det är helknäppt. That's bonkers.
  • Pojkarna träffas på gatan. The boys meet in the street.
  • Jag är hans husse. I'm his master.
  • Vi ses. See you around.
  • Ingen aning. Search me.
  • Han ser skrämmande ut. He looks scary.

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