Native Americans God stuff åk.5 s.24-25

The exercise was created 2017-01-29 by zperbos. Question count: 34.

Select questions (34)

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  • Native American indian
  • only enda, bara
  • wasn’t called kallades inte
  • there were det fanns
  • tribe indianstam
  • farmed odlade
  • fished fiskade
  • hunted jagade
  • bow and arrow pilbåge och pil
  • prairie prärie
  • buffalo buffel
  • survive överleva
  • tepee tipi, indiantält
  • kept höll
  • bone ben
  • made gjorde
  • ate åt
  • on foot till fots
  • sat satt
  • story berättelse
  • in the 1600s på 1600-talet
  • gave gav
  • showed visade
  • how to ride hur man red
  • take care of ta hand om
  • in peace i fred
  • the Euoropeans européerna
  • at first i början
  • where där
  • in the end till slut
  • were killed blev dödade
  • had to var tvungen
  • not anymore inte nu längre
  • did gjorde

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