NATO Task Verbs and Mission Statements

The exercise was created 2024-09-09 by jessicageijer. Question count: 54.

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  • Gain or re-establish contact with an enemy within assigned boundaries ADVANCE TO CONTACT
  • Conduct a surprise attack from concealed positions on a moving or temporarily halted enemy. AMBUSH
  • Take offensive action against a specified target. ATTACK
  • Engage enemy with direct and/or indirect fire, without closing with that target. ATTACK BY FIRE
  • Deny access to a given area, movement in a given direction, or movement along a route or avenue of approach. BLOCK
  • An obstacle effect that integrates fire planning and obstacle effort to stop an attacker on a specific avenue of approach, or to prevent an enemy from exiting an engagement area. BLOCK (FOR OBSTACLE EFFECT)
  • Force a passage through an obstacle or fortification. BREACH
  • Move around an entity or obstacle to maintain momentum. BYPASS
  • To constrain movement to a specific, narrow zone. CANALIZE
  • To take possession of enemy personnel, materiel and/or information. CAPTURE
  • To ensure an area is free of enemy troops and their obstacles. CLEAR
  • To restrict an entity's freedom of movement to within a specified area. CONTAIN
  • To exert influence over an entity, process, object or area to establish, maintain or prevent a specific situation or event. CONTROL
  • To take offensive action against an attacking force. COUNTER-ATTACK
  • To protect the main body of a force by engaging an enemy while also observing and reporting. COVER
  • To mislead an entity by manipulating its perceptions to induce it to react in a manner prejudicial to its interests. DECEIVE
  • To diminish the effectiveness of an enemy or adversary to the extent that it is unable or unwilling to resist or achieve its intent. DEFEAT
  • To slow an enemy by trading space for time while inflicting maximum damage on them without becoming decisively engaged. DELAY
  • To dissuade a hostile entity by a show of force, without seeking contact. DEMONSTRATE
  • To prevent an entity from using specified people, space or infrastructure. DENY
  • To damage a target to such an extent that it is unable to fulfil its intended function without being reconstituted or entirely rebuilt. DESTROY
  • To break contact with a hostile entity. DISENGAGE
  • To negatively affect a hostile entity's formation, tempo and/or timetable. DISRUPT
  • An obstacle effect that focuses fire planning and obstacle effort to cause the enemy to break up his formation and tempo, interrupt his timetable, commit breaching assets prematurely, and attack in a piecemeal effort. DISRUPT (for an obstacle effect)
  • To pass around or over an enemy's principal defensive positions to secure objectives to their rear. ENVELOP
  • To accompany and protect an enity that is on the move. ESCORT
  • To remove people, animals or materiel from a place of actual or impending danger. EVACUATE
  • To covertly extract a force from an area under hostile control. EXFILTRATE
  • To utilize successes or opportunities to maximize advantages or gains. EXPLOIT
  • To distract an enemy from the main effort by seeking contact while avoiding decisive engagement. FEINT
  • To prevent any part of a hostile entity from moving from a specified location for a specified period of time. FIX
  • An obstacle effect that focuses fire planning and obstacle effort to prevent a hostile force from moving froma specified location for a specified period of time. FIX (for obstacle effect)
  • To follow a force and be prepared to continue its assigned mission. FOLLOW AND ASSUME
  • To follow a force and be prepared to support it. FOLLOW AND SUPPORT
  • To protect the main body of a force through the application of combat power while also observing and reporting. GUARD
  • To covertly move into or through an area under hostile control. INFILTRATE
  • To impede or disrupt a hostile entity's lines of communication or forces in depth. INTERDICT
  • To prevent a hostile entity's freedom of movement and contact with external support. ISOLATE
  • To determine the geogrphical position of a specified entity or object LOCATE
  • To render a hostile entity or its materiel temporarily incapable of interfering with friendly forces. NEUTRALIZE
  • To position a force ina specified area or location that is free of active opposition. OCCUPY
  • To break through the enemy's defence and disrupt its defensive system PENETRATE
  • To catch or cut off an enemy attempting to escape, with the aim of destroying it. PURSUE
  • To extract a friendly entity or materiel from an area or location not under friendly control. RECOVER
  • To replace a force with an assigned mission in a specified area with a different force to continue that mission. RELIEF IN PLACE
  • To hold an area or location to ensure it is free of hostile occupation or use. RETAIN
  • To move away from a hostile entity while out of contact. RETIRE
  • To protect the main body of a force by providing early warning SCREEN
  • To gain possession of a specified area, location or objective and prevent its use or destruction by a hostile entity. SECURE
  • To take possession of a specified area, location or object by force. SEIZE
  • To engage the enemy by direct fire in support of another manoeuvring force. SUPPORT BY FIRE
  • To force a hostile entity to move in a desired direction. TURN
  • An obstacle effect that integrates fire planning and obstacle effort to drive an enemy formation from one avenue of approach to an adjacent avenue of approach or into an engagement area. TURN (for an obstacle effect)
  • To disengage and move away from a hostile entity WITHDRAW

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