NATO Task verbs

The exercise was created 2024-02-21 by martinmahe. Question count: 49.

Select questions (49)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Advance to contact Conduct offensive operation to gain or re-establish contact with the enemy.
  • Ambush Conduct surprise attack by fire from concealed positions. Bakhåll
  • Arrest Seize & hold a person under authority of law. Arrestera
  • Attack Take offensive action against a specified objective.
  • Attack by fire Engage enemy with direct fires, supported by indirect fires, without closing.
  • Block Deny enemy access to a given area or prevent advance in a particular direction. Blockera
  • Breach Break through/ secure passage through an enemy defence/ obstacle/ fortification.
  • Bypass Manouver around an obstacle/ position/ enemy force to gain momentum of advance.
  • Canalize Restrict enemy movement to a narrow zone.
  • Capture Gain possesion of specified enemy personnel/ materiel/ information.
  • Clear Remove all enemy forces & eliminate organized resistance in an assigned area.
  • Conduct exploitation Exploitation- an offensive operation that follows a successful attack designed to disorganize the enemy in depth.
  • Contain Restrict freedom of movement of an enemy force in a specified area.
  • Control Maintain physical influenec over a specified area to prevent its use by an enemy.
  • Counter-attack Attack against an enemy attacking force.
  • Cover Provide security for main force before an enemy can attack, observe or defend.
  • Defeat Diminish the effectiveness of an enemy, to the extent that it cannot fight or fulfill its intention.
  • Delay Prevent an enemy force arriving at a specified location.
  • Demonstrate Deceive the enemy by making a show of force without seeking contact.
  • Deny Prevent enemy use of a specific thing.
  • Destroy Damage an object or enemy force so that it is rendered useless until reconstituted.
  • Disengage Break contact with enemy.
  • Disrupt Break apart an enemy’s formation & tempo, interrupt enemy timetable/ cause premature/ piecemeal commitment of forces.
  • Envelop Pass around or over the enemy’s defensive position to secure objective’s to its rear.
  • Escort Accompany and protect.
  • Exfiltrate Withdraw through or around enemy positions without detection.
  • Feint Deceive the enemy by seeking contact but avoiding a decisive engagement.
  • Fix Prevent enemy from moving any part of its forces from a location for a specified period of time.
  • Follow and assume Follow a force conducting an offensive op and BPT continue mission if lead force is fixed/ unable to continue.
  • Follow and support Follow and support a lead force conducting an offensive operation.
  • Guard Protect main force by fighting to gain time while observing & reporting information.
  • Infiltrate Move a force into or through areas under enemy control without detection.
  • Interdict Keep enemy force out of range so it cannot be used effectively against a friendly force.
  • Isolate Seal off enemy force from it’s support to deny it freedom of mevement, prevent contact with other enemy forces.
  • Locate Determine the position of a specified thing.
  • Neutralize Render enemy element temporarily incapable of interfering with the operation.
  • Occupy Position a unit in a specified area without enemy opposition.
  • Penetrate Break through enemy defence and disrupt the defensive system.
  • Pursue Catch or cut off hostile force attempting to escape, with aim of destroying it.
  • Recover Extract a friendly force element or materiel from a location not under friendly control, with or without force
  • Retain Keep possession of a terrain feature to ensure it is free of enemy occupation or use.
  • Retire Move a force, out of contact, away from the enemy.
  • Screen Observe, identify and report information on threats to main force. Fight in self-protection only
  • Secure Gain possession of a terrain feature, with or without force, and make such disposition as will prevent its destruction or loss to enemy action.
  • Seize Clear a designated area and obtain control of it
  • Support by fire Engage the enemy by direct fire in support of another maouvering force.
  • Suppress Temporarily degrade an enemy capability to enable an friendly action.
  • Turn Force an enemy from one direction to another
  • Withdraw Disengage from the enemy and move in a direction away from the enemy.

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