NC B: 4 Kläder (högst.)

The exercise was created 2016-04-12 by songran. Question count: 21.

Select questions (21)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • le pull tröjan
  • le pantalon långbyxorna (1 par)
  • le blouson fritidsjackan
  • le chapeau hatten
  • la robe klänningen
  • le chemisier blusen
  • la jupe kjolen
  • le bonnet mössan
  • les gants handskarna
  • l'écharpe (f.) halsduken
  • le slip trosorna, underbyxorna (1 par)
  • le jean jeansen (1 par)
  • le costume kostymen
  • la cravate slipsen, kravatten
  • la chemise skjortan
  • le manteau kappan, rocken
  • les chaussures (f.), les souliers (m.) skorna
  • les bottes (f.) stövlarna
  • les baskets (m.) sportskorna, länkskorna
  • le caleçon kalsongerna (1 par)
  • le survêtement sportdräkten

All None

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