Nelson Mandela - A Portrait

The exercise was created 2023-08-20 by sk-7gj2jeleyp. Question count: 30.

Select questions (30)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • prisoner fånge
  • fear frukta
  • remarkable märklig
  • poor dålig
  • education undervisning, utbildning
  • vote rösta
  • future framtid
  • involved inblandad
  • illegal olaglig
  • get rid of bli av med
  • government regering
  • violence våld
  • threat hot
  • trial rättegång
  • struggle kamp
  • achieve uppnå
  • meanwhile under tiden
  • worldwide över hela världen
  • release frigivning
  • forgiveness förlåtelse
  • legal laglig
  • separate särskilja
  • basically i grund och botten
  • population befolkning
  • segregate avskilja
  • poverty fattigdom
  • ban förbjuda
  • depending on beroende på
  • overcome övervinna
  • attempt försök

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