On Fat And Sugar Vocabulary (prov v.8)

The exercise was created 2023-02-23 by Lella10. Question count: 26.

Select questions (26)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • guidance rättesnöre
  • obesity fetma
  • according to enligt
  • trial experiment
  • carbohydrate kolhydrat
  • consumption konsumtion
  • overdrive överväxel
  • low-fat range fettsnålt sortiment
  • nutrition expert näringsexpert
  • underpin styrka
  • rip riva sönder
  • incredibly otroligt
  • induce orsaka, framkalla
  • amnesia minnesförlust
  • randomise välja ut slumpmässigt
  • tricky knepig
  • coronary heart disease kranskärlssjukdom
  • overwhelming överväldigande
  • sit on the fence undvika att ta ställning
  • saturated fat mättat fett
  • partially delvis
  • nutrient näringsämne
  • tartan trouser skotskrutiga byxor
  • bubble perm småkrullig permanent
  • persist envisas
  • persecution förföljelse

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