Ordkunskapsprov kapitel 3-4 år 6

The exercise was created 2021-03-01 by sopetra. Question count: 40.

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Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • växte upp grew up, grow up, griw up, give up, growed up
  • matvanor eating habits, eating uses, ating habit, eating much
  • använde droger took drugs, take droger, took drags, take dricks
  • generös generous, generas, generad, genres, genway
  • livsstil lifestyle, livstile, lifesteel, lifeguard, lifestrong
  • ett botemedel mot sjukdom a cure for disease, a car for desise, a cure far decis, a care for disire
  • fastna i droger getting hooked on drugs, gatting hacked on drags, getting huked on drugs, getting hacket of drug
  • avundssjuk jealous, jellos, yellows, yallow, jeallus
  • gräva fram ditt förflutna dig up your past, digg upp your past, dig app your past, dug up your passt
  • orättvist unfair, anfair, unfiar, unfere, unfrair
  • oro/ bekymmer worries, hurries, wardrobes, carries, berries
  • Bry dig inte om det! never mind, dont do it, I dont care, You dont care
  • Jorden är en planet. The earth is a planet, The arth is a planet, The planet is erth, The earth is a star
  • En stjärna kan blinka a star can twinkle, a star kan wink, a star can blink, a star can swing
  • enorm/ jättestor huge, big, better, bigger, hage, hodge
  • grader degrees, degrades, agrees, descrase, discuss
  • livstid lifetime, livstime, lifeguard, timelife, lefttime
  • fortsätta lysa go on shining, go on twinkle, go on sparkle, go on lysing, go on living
  • klump lump, klamp, lamp, lomps, lummp
  • mellan between, next to, under, in front of, behind
  • framför in front of, between, next to, under, behind, over
  • bakom behind, between, next to, under, in front of
  • Det finns två stolar There are two chairs, There is two chairs
  • Det finns en matta There is one carpet, There are one carpet
  • Det finns många fönster There are many windows, There is many windows
  • stjärntecken star signs, stare sins, start since, star sience, star sames
  • slarvig careless, selfish, stubborn, serious, silly
  • flitig hardworking, pleasant, silly, careless, surprised, serious
  • dagbok diary, diaree, daybook, diagram, diaper
  • otrevlig unpleasant, careless, silly, surprised, a pain
  • tro på believe, bileve, think, trust, trast, belife
  • det bevisar that proves, that proof, provision, that means, that says
  • jag undrade bara I was just wondering, I was just thinking, I was just looking, I was just believing
  • luft air, left, space, breath, eir, are, lift
  • hål hole, whole, whale, hale, hold, whool
  • tillsammans together, near, all, togate, all of us
  • värme/ hetta heat, light, star, sign, hate, wealth
  • berömmelse fame, liked, star, twinkle, stage, telly
  • i alla fall though, think, theme, they, throug
  • ensam alone, lone, self, at home, alike, alien

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