Oregelbundna verb år 7, loose - send.

The exercise was created 2022-12-06 by camillagasvaer. Question count: 20.

Select questions (20)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • loose, lost, lost att förlora
  • make, made, made att skapa/göra
  • meet, met, met att möta
  • pay, paid, paid att betala
  • quit, quit, quit att sluta
  • read, read, read att läsa
  • run, ran, run att springa
  • say, said, said att säga
  • see, saw, seen att se
  • send, sent, sent att sända/skicka
  • Do you know who sent the letter? Vet du vem som skickade brevet?
  • I saw him at the store. Jag såg honom på affären.
  • She said goodbye before she left. Hon sa hejdå innan hon åkte.
  • The dog ran into the living room. Hunden sprang in i vardagsrummet.
  • Yesterday I read all night. Igår läste jag hela kvällen.
  • He quit his job without a word. Han slutade sitt arbete utan ett ord.
  • They paid a lot of money for their new house. De betalade mycket pengar för deras nya hus.
  • They met each other two years ago. De träffade varandra för två år sedan.
  • The news made me happy. Nyheterna gjorde mig glad.
  • The boy lost track of time. Pojken "tappade" tiden (glömde bort tiden)

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