oregelbundna verb freeze - grow

The exercise was created 2024-03-16 by emmaskog. Question count: 18.

Select questions (18)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • frysa, frös, frusit freeze, froze, frozen
  • , fick, fått get, got, got
  • ge, gav, givit give, gave, given
  • , gick, gått go, went, gone
  • komma, kom, kommit get, got, got
  • bli, blev, blivit get, got, got
  • resa, reste, rest go, went, gone
  • växa, växte, vuxit grow, grew, grown
  • bli, blev, blivit grow, grew, grown
  • Jag frös mycket igår. I froze a lot yesterday.
  • Jag fick ett meddelande från Anna. I got a message from Anna.
  • Vad ska du ge honom? What will you give him?
  • Hon har rest iväg. She has gone away.
  • Blomman växte sig stor. The flower grew big.
  • Det blev större än vi ville. It grew bigger than we wanted.
  • Du går på en promenad med hunden. You go for a walk with the dog.
  • Komma någon nära. Get close to somebody.
  • Jag blev lurad. I got fooled.

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