oregelbundna verb hang - hit

The exercise was created 2024-03-16 by emmaskog. Question count: 17.

Select questions (17)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • hänga, hängde, hängt hang, hung, hung
  • ha, hade, haft have, had, had
  • äta, åt, ätit have, had, had
  • dricka, drack, druckit have, had, had
  • höra, hörde, hört hear, heard, heard
  • gömma, gömde, gömt hide, hid, hidden
  • gömma sig, gömde sig, gömt sig hide, hid, hidden
  • slå, slog, slagit hit, hit, hit
  • träffa, träffade, träffat hit, hit, hit
  • Charles hängde sin jacka på stolen. Charles hung his jacket on the chair
  • Jag har en häst. I have a horse
  • Vi har ätit lunch. We have had lunch.
  • Jag hörde dem bråka. I heard them fight.
  • Barnet gömde sig från sin mamma. The child hid from his mother.
  • Jag gömde min mobil för läraren. I hid my cellphone from the teacher.
  • Hon träffade bollen. She hit the ball.
  • Min bror slog mig. My brother hit me.

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