Over There part 1

The exercise was created 2024-01-09 by AnnaKW. Question count: 26.

Select questions (26)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Emigration emigration, utflyttning från ett land till ett annat
  • Government regering
  • Establish grunda
  • Agriculture jordbruk
  • Bishop biskop
  • Colonizers kolonisatörer
  • Contemporary samtida
  • Descendents ättlingar
  • Decisive vote avgörande röst
  • The Dutch Holländarna
  • Grow crops odla grödor
  • growth tillväxt
  • Inheritances arvedelar
  • Independence oavhänginghet, frihet att styra själv
  • Population befolkning
  • Cottages stugor, torp
  • Multiplied mångdubblades
  • Future framtid
  • Poverty fattigdom
  • Roughly grovt uppskattat, ungefär
  • Settlers nybyggare
  • Smallpox smittkoppor
  • Wave våg
  • Successful framgångsrik
  • Replaced ersatte
  • Society samhället

All None

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