pets sentences

The exercise was created 2011-10-25 by soling1. Question count: 11.

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Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • what pet do you like best vilket husdjur gillar du bäst
  • why do you like this pet varför gillar du det här husdjuret
  • how do you take care of your pet hur tar du hand om ditt husdjur
  • what does your pet eat vad äter ditt husdjur
  • when did you get your pet när fick du ditt husdjur
  • how old is your pet hur gammalt är ditt husdjur
  • do you like animals gillar du djur
  • who takes care of your pet vem tar hand om ditt husdjur
  • do you play with it leker du med den
  • what does it look like hur ser den ut
  • what can your pet do vad kan ditt husdjur göra

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