physiology resp, GI, meta

The exercise was created 2024-05-27 by latinarkul. Question count: 49.

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  • anatomic dead space? volume of conducting airways
  • physiological dead space? anatomic dead space + regions of respiratory zone without gas exchange
  • type 2 alveolar cells produce? surfactant
  • surfactant reduces...? surface tension
  • Ach-->M3-receptor leads to...(airways)? constriction
  • Epi-->Beta2-receptor leads to...(airways)? dilation
  • shifts of O2-hemoglobin curve to the right indicates...? lower affinity
  • shifts of the O2-hemoglobin curve to the left indicates...? higher affinity
  • blood flow is lowest at the...? apex of the lung
  • blood flow is highest at the...? base of the lung
  • regional variations in ventilation of lung are not as great as for...? blood flow
  • expiratory center? ventral respiratory group
  • inspiratory center? dorsal respiratory group
  • normal FEV1/FVC...? >70%
  • Normal FVC...? >80%
  • pathological FEV1/FVC means...? obstructive disorder
  • pathological FVC...? restrictive disorder
  • apneustic center...? promotes inspiratory center
  • pneumotaxic center...? inhibits inspiratory center
  • meissners plexus = ... submucosal plexus
  • aurbachs plexus = ... myenteric plexus
  • the submucosal plexus is located between...? submucosa and tunica muscularis
  • the myenteric plexus is located between... circular muscle and longitudinal muscle
  • parasympathetic NS innervates GI tract via preganglionic fibers into...? myenteric plexus
  • sympathetic NS innervates GI tract via postganglionic fibers into...? myenteric plexus, muscularis and mucosa
  • parasympathetic effects on the GI tract are...? increases motility, opens sphincters, stimulates secretion
  • sympathetic effects on the GI tract are...? decreases motility, closes sphincters, decreases secretion
  • are secreted by platelets and promote adhesion and aggregation...? ADP and TXA2
  • primary hemostasis...? vasoconstriction and platelet plug formation
  • anorexigenic neurons...? ventromedial and paraventricular nucleus
  • orexigenic neurons lateral hypothalamic area
  • anorexigenic substances produced in acruate nucleus? POMC, alpha-MSH and CART
  • orexigenic substances produced in acruate nucleus? NPY and AgRP
  • preoptic area promotes water retention and uptake by stimulating...? paraventricular nucleus and cerebral cortex
  • what stimulates preoptic area (thirst regulation)? subfornical organ and nucleus tractus solitarius
  • what stimulates subfornical area? increased osmolarity and angiotensin
  • what inhibits subfornical area? ANP
  • what stimulates nucleus tractus solitarius? visceral osmoreceptors
  • what inhibits nucleus tractus solitarius? arterial baroreceptors, cardiopulmonary receptors and oropharyngeal receptors
  • preoptic area promotes ... and inhibits ...(thermoregulation)? sweating and dorsomedial hypothalamus
  • dorsomedial hypothalamus promotes...? heat production
  • what stimulates preoptic area (thermoregulation)? central thermoreceptors, visceral thermoreceptors and warmth skin thermoreceptors
  • what inhibits preoptic area (thermoregulation)? cold skin thermoreceptors
  • secondary hemostasis? blood coagulation
  • secondary hemostasis can be divided into...? intrinsic and extrinsic
  • instrinsic secondary hemostasis begins with...? factor XII being activated by negative surface
  • extrinsic secondary hemostasis begins with...? tissue factor activating factor VII
  • local humoral bronchoconstrictors? histamine, leucotrienes and bradykinin
  • local humoral bronchodilators? PGI2 and PGE2, NO and increased CO2

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