Pick & Mix 2 Help yourself

The exercise was created 2024-03-23 by Camilla1982. Question count: 32.

Select questions (32)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • anxiety ångest
  • be based on grunda sig på, bygga på
  • behaviour beteende
  • cabin kabin (flygplan)
  • cognitive behavioural therapy kognitiv beteendeterapi
  • challenging utmanande, svår
  • decade decennium
  • disorder störning, sjukdom
  • eating disorder ätstörning
  • entail innehålla, innebära
  • examine granska
  • exposure exponering, utsättande
  • faulty felaktig
  • fusion fusion, blandning
  • gradually gradvis, efterhand
  • interact interagera, umgås
  • judge döma
  • level nivå
  • likely trolig, sannolik
  • obsessive compulsive disorder tvångssyndrom
  • psychodynamic psykodynamisk
  • psychosis psykos
  • replace ersätta
  • reprogram omprogrammera, ställa om
  • severe allvarlig, svår
  • social phobia social fobi
  • suffer from lida av
  • take-off flygstart
  • therapist terapeut
  • thougth pattern tankemönster, sätt att tänka
  • widely allmänt, vitt
  • yawn gäspa

All None

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