
The exercise was created 2022-01-12 by carinlindstrom. Question count: 38.

Select questions (38)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • för...sedan ago
  • bli become became become
  • annars or
  • fattig poor
  • regel rule
  • bestämma decide
  • följa follow
  • släcka ljuset turn out the light
  • stjäla steal stole stolen
  • bli av med lose lost lost
  • skära av cut off
  • öde ö desert island
  • dödskalle skull
  • korslagd crossed
  • benknota bone
  • olika different
  • använda use
  • betyda mean meant meant
  • fånge prisoner
  • förbjudet forbidden
  • ombord on board
  • bry sig care
  • soldat soldier
  • springa run ran run
  • gömma sig hide hid hidden
  • kämpa slåss fight fought fought
  • svärd sword
  • yxa axe
  • ta till fånga catch cought cought
  • det konstiga the strange thing
  • fly escape
  • försvinna disappear
  • skägg beard
  • fläta braid
  • tändsticka match
  • skräckinjagande frightening
  • flotta navy
  • in the end till slut

All None

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