Pragmatics 3

The exercise was created 2019-08-02 by annisss. Question count: 24.

Select questions (24)

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  • factive presupposition the assumption that information stated after certain words such as know and regret is true
  • felicity conditions certain expected or appropriate circumstances for a speech act to be recognized as intended
  • felicity conditions example I sentence you to sig months in prison. The performance will be inappropriate if the speaker is not a specific person in a special context
  • floor the current right to speak in a conversation
  • foreground entailment the main logical consequence of an utterance
  • foreground entailment example Rover chased three squirrels. Rover chased a number of squirrrels
  • frame a pre-existing knowledge structure with a fixed stativ pattern. Frame that an apartment consist of a kitchen, bathroom and bedroom
  • general conditions preconditions on performing a speech act
  • general conditions example the participants can understand the language being used, that they are not play-acting or being nonsensical
  • generalized conversational implicature an additional unstated meaning that does not depend on special or local knowledge
  • general conversational implicature example I was sitting in a garden one day. The garden is not mine
  • hedges cautious notes expressed about how an utterance is to be taken, as far as I know
  • high considerateness style A non-interuppting, non-imposing way of taking part in conversation
  • high considerateness style A non-interuppting, non-imposing way of taking part in conversation
  • high considerateness style A non-interuppting, non-imposing way of taking part in a conversation
  • honorific expression which marks that the addresse is of higher status
  • ideational function the use of language as a means of giving structure to thought and experience
  • Illuctionary Force Indicating Device IFID Indication in the speaker´s utterance of the communicative forced that utterance
  • IFID example I warn you that
  • illuctionary act or force We form an utterance with some kind of function in mind
  • implicit performative a speech act without a performative verb, example the work was done by Elaine and myself
  • inclusive we speaker and addresse included
  • indirect speech act speech act where an indirect relationship exists between the structure and communicative function of an utterance, the use of interrogative Can you not to ask a question but ot make a request
  • inference the listener´s use of additional knowledge to make sense of what is not explicit in an utterance

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