Primavera 4

The exercise was created 2024-05-07 by doujoh0305. Question count: 278.

Select questions (278)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • asimismo also, in addition, as well
  • así thus, in this way, like that
  • de ese modo so, in that way
  • con relación in relation to
  • con respecto a regarding
  • como se puede ver as you/we/one can see
  • por suerte forutnately
  • por desgracia unfortunately
  • por lo general generally
  • de hecho in fact
  • al igual que like, similar to
  • differente de unlike
  • en cambio in contrast
  • en vez de instead of
  • en lugar de instead of
  • no obstante however
  • sin embargo however
  • por una parte on the one hand
  • por un lado on the one hand
  • por otra (parte) on the other hand
  • por otro (lado) on the other hand
  • a causa de because of
  • debido a due to, on account of
  • por lo tanto therefore
  • como resultado as a result
  • como consecuencia as a consequence
  • por ese motivo for that reason
  • por esa razón for that reason
  • antes de before
  • desde que since
  • desde entonces since then
  • el mismo tiempo at the same time
  • a partir de starting
  • al final toward the end, in the end
  • en aquel entonces at that time, back then
  • primero first
  • después later then
  • en primer lugar first of all
  • en segundo lugar second of all
  • al mismo tiempo at the same time
  • a fin de cuentas in the end, after all
  • en otras palabras this is to say, in other words
  • es decir this is to say, meaning
  • después de todo after all
  • en conclusión in conclusion
  • en resumen in short
  • en resumidas cuentas in short
  • en todo caso in any case
  • al fin y al cabo in the end
  • pescar to fish
  • eficaz efficient, effective
  • dato a piece of information
  • embarcadero pier
  • enseñanza teaching
  • peinado hairstyle
  • similitud similarity
  • lentitud slowness
  • abundancia abundance
  • variabilidad variability
  • estabilidad stability
  • crueldad cruelty
  • frialdad coldness
  • reglamentario regulatory
  • impresionante impressive
  • eludible avoidable
  • variar to vary
  • canjear to exchange
  • canjeable exchangeable
  • edificar to build
  • ejemplificar to exemplify
  • golear to score several goals
  • enriquecer to enrich
  • millonada many millions
  • panadero/a baker
  • panadería bakery
  • vendedor/a salesperson
  • venta sale
  • quejarse to complain
  • así que so
  • arné card
  • Arne de conducir driver's license
  • prensar to press
  • ciertos/as certain, some
  • incuestionable certain, indisputable
  • cierto certain, confident
  • el goce enjoyment, joy, pleasure
  • promover promote, foster
  • espantosamente frightfully, shockingly
  • inmersos immense
  • conquistar conquer
  • la pobreza the poverty
  • la opuesto the opposite
  • oponer resist, oppose
  • etablecer establish
  • conductor driver
  • desgracia misfortune
  • grosería rudeness, impoliteness
  • desgracia misfortune
  • lectura reading
  • aviso warning, ad
  • comprensivo/a understanding
  • fastidioso/a annoying, frustrating
  • gratuito/a free of charge
  • sensible sensitive
  • simpático nice
  • asistir to attend
  • atender to assist
  • contestar to answer
  • molestar to bother
  • quitar to take off
  • realizar to carry out
  • actualmente currently
  • eventualmente possibly, probably
  • últimamente lately
  • firma firm, company
  • firma signature
  • diversión fun, hobby, amusement
  • desvío detour
  • renunciar quit, leave, resign
  • el inicio the starting eleven
  • coraje anger, rage
  • coraje courage, bravery, balls
  • condescendiente agreeable
  • introducir put, take, carry
  • letra handwriting
  • pariente relative, relation
  • emocionante fascinating, exciting
  • excitar to provoke
  • facultad capacity, authority
  • gracioso funny, amusing
  • el significado the meaning
  • bufete law firm, lawyer's office, desk
  • trampa trap
  • nudo knot
  • arena sand
  • sospechar to imagine, suppose, suspect
  • sospechar de to be suspicious of
  • quejarse to complain, moan
  • las cejas the eyebrows
  • bocacalle side-street, entrance into a street
  • compraventa trade
  • un puntapié a kick
  • telaraña spider web
  • aguafiestas party pooper, buzzkill
  • aguardiente grain alcohol
  • caradura cheeky
  • altorrelieve high relief
  • bajamar low tide
  • malhumor bad mood
  • el abrelatas can opener
  • guardabosque forest ranger
  • el lavaplatos dishwasher
  • la quitanieves snowplow
  • el rascacielos the skyscraper
  • sacacorchos corkscrew
  • un altibajo a setback, bump in the road
  • sordomudo deaf-mute
  • bienpensante self-righteous
  • malhumorado bad-tempered
  • malpensado evil-minded
  • el bienestar the well-being, comfort, welfare
  • maldecir to curse, wish harm to
  • malquerer to dislike
  • el quehacer the chore, task
  • quienquiera whoever
  • contracorriente counter-current
  • sobre mess table talk, after-dinner conversation, tablecloth
  • sinsabor disappointment
  • correveidile a gossiper
  • enhorabuena congratulations
  • nomeolvides forget-me-not bracelet, identity bracelet
  • sabelotodo know-it-all
  • librería bookstore
  • biblioteca library
  • miseria poverty
  • bizarro/a couragous, brave
  • lección lecture
  • registrar to search
  • inscribirse to register
  • jubilarse to retire from work
  • descuido carelessness
  • sano healthy
  • precocinado pre-cooked
  • suburbano suburban
  • sacar provecho de take advantage of
  • aprovechar use, leverage, take advantage of, enjoy, make the most of
  • sudadera sweatshirt
  • provecho benefit, advantage, profit
  • el espejo the mirror
  • avergonzado embarrassed, ashamed
  • tela fabric, clothing
  • improbable improbable, unlikely
  • ilógico illogical
  • agrandarse enlarge
  • bajarse go down
  • calentarse heat up
  • empachar make you sick, upset your stomach
  • empacharse eat a lot
  • enemistarse become enemies
  • enfadarse get angry, go mad
  • enfriarse cool down, get cold
  • enfurecerse become furious, lose one's temper
  • enrojecerse to blush, turn red
  • llenar to fill
  • oxidarse to rust
  • refrescar to cool, freshen
  • ruborizarse to blush, turn red
  • sonrojarse to blush
  • subir to climb, walk up
  • subirse get in, get on
  • fascinante fascinating
  • malhablado foul-mouthed
  • entretanto while, meanwhile
  • tragicómico tragicomic
  • saltamontes grasshopper
  • girasol sunflower
  • el paraguas the umbrella
  • portarse to behave
  • ajedrez chess
  • almohada pillow
  • el bulevar the boulevard
  • agregar to add
  • anunciar to announce
  • contestar to answer, reply
  • opinar to believe, think
  • reiterar reiterate
  • repetir to repeat
  • solicitar to request, ask for, seek
  • agua potable drinking water
  • agua bebible drinking water
  • la pena capital the death penalty
  • esquema outline, draft
  • ciego blind
  • surgimiento appearance, arrival, emergene
  • alumbrar to shine
  • brillar to shine
  • sobresalir to stand out, shine
  • fingir to fake, pretend
  • reglamentario the regulation
  • zarpar set sail
  • aborrecido hated, detested, unpopular
  • burlar evade, overcome, outsmart
  • desplazarse to get around, travel
  • dispuesto ready, arranged, organized
  • escéptico sceptical, doubtful
  • falta offense
  • falta shortage, scarcity
  • amarrado tied
  • previsto planned, expected
  • entregar to deliver, hand over
  • consagrado renowned, acclaimed, blessed
  • necesariamente necessarily
  • obrar behave, act
  • por fortuna luckily
  • merecer deserve, be worthy of
  • anónimo anonymous
  • padecer suffer, endure, put up with
  • aconsejado sensible, advised
  • etcétera et cetera
  • cobrar get paid
  • diligencia diligence, speed, errand, procedure
  • gala elegance
  • amplio/a spacious, wide
  • procesal procedural
  • comprobar to confirm, verify, check
  • similitud similarity
  • capaz capable, able
  • circunstancia circumstance
  • suprimir sucesivo/a
  • el quiste the cyst
  • escoger pick, choose, elect
  • impedir to prevent, block
  • la imagen the image
  • el fallecimiento the death, passing
  • explotar a to exploit
  • simbólico symbolic
  • resiliente resiliant
  • una bomba a punto de explorar a bomb about to explore

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