Promise you won't tell, but...

The exercise was created 2024-05-12 by Elgo. Question count: 27.

Select questions (27)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • rumors rykten
  • a mean comment en elak kommentar
  • a drama queen någon som vill skapa problem
  • cut her some slack ursäkta hennes beteende
  • speaks ill about pratar illa om
  • causing orsaka
  • knowingly left out medvetet utelämna
  • demanding krävande
  • politely artigt
  • harm skada
  • awful dåligt
  • upset upprörd
  • not completely honest inte helt ärlig
  • involved involverad
  • impressed imponerad
  • instead of istället för
  • sort things out ordna allt, reda ut allt
  • hurt sårad
  • support stötta
  • owed my sister an apology var skyldig min syster en ursäkt
  • fair rättvis
  • her true colors sitt sanna jag
  • blanked ignorerade, struntade i
  • had gone too far hade gått för långt
  • disappointed besviken
  • her actions hennes agerande, vad hon gjorde
  • tackled tog itu med

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