Redrawing the map- whole sentences

The exercise was created 2018-10-23 by PBHelena. Question count: 15.

Select questions (15)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • När Versaillefördraget blev klart, förhandlades det om fler fördrag. With the treaty of Versailles settled, further treaties were negotiated.
  • Mycket av världskartan blev omgjord. Much of the map of the world was redrawn.
  • National boundaries shifted. Nationella gränser ändrades.
  • Det har fortsatt att orsaka spänningar. It has continued to cause unrest.
  • Nya länder kom till, började existera. New countries came into existence.
  • Förändringarna var gjorda för att reducera/minska styrkan/bestämmanderätten från de besegrade nationerna. The changes were designed to reduce the power of the defeated nations.
  • Minskad till en bråkdel/fragment/mycket liten del. Reduced to a fraction.
  • Flera länder blev berövade på sina industriella resurser. Several countries were deprived of their industrial resources.
  • Mycket av marken gavs till omkringliggande länder. Much of their land were handed over to the surrounding countries.
  • Det var lättare att göra beslut utan att rådfråga ledarna. It was easier to make decisions without consulting the leaders.
  • Den norra delen var menad att bli den självständiga delen. The northern part was supported to become the independent part.
  • De drev ut de ockuperande styrkorna. They drove out the occupying forces.
  • De tog tillbaka vad de lovat. They went back on their word.
  • Halva Palestina avsattes som hemland för judiska människor. Half of Palastine was set aside as a homeland for Jewish people.
  • Men allt detta möttes med väpnat motstånd. But all this was met with armed resistance.

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