Repetera inför provet 24 maj

The exercise was created 2024-05-06 by nardroj. Question count: 17.

Select questions (17)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • then sedan
  • removed borttagen
  • wrong fel
  • vet / veterinary veterinär
  • with med
  • but men
  • shocked chokad
  • during under
  • forgot glömde
  • fit passar
  • smell luktar
  • going to be kommer att bli
  • date datum
  • long länge
  • What was it about? Vad handlade det om?
  • borrow låna
  • there där

All None

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