Repetition, del 2 (åk 9)

The exercise was created 2023-03-31 by Annber. Question count: 26.

Select questions (26)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • fördelar advantages
  • fördelar benefits
  • nackdelar disadvantages
  • förändring change
  • bidra med contribute
  • förebilder role models
  • förklara explain
  • förbjuda prohibit
  • förhandla negotiate
  • föreslå, ge exempel suggest
  • uttrycka express
  • erfarenheter experiences
  • dela share
  • bry sig om care about
  • introducera introduce
  • beskriva describe
  • aktiviteter activities
  • inträffa occur
  • öka increase
  • innehåll contents
  • uppmuntra encourage
  • möta encounter
  • grundskola comprehensive school
  • högstadiet secondary school
  • gymnasieskola (britt) upper secondary school
  • gymnasieskola (amer) high school

All None

Shared exercise
