
The exercise was created 2019-09-06 by peridot. Question count: 42.

Select questions (42)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • spetsa öronen prick up one's ears
  • marknad market
  • vakta guard
  • inbjudan invitation
  • smärtsam painful
  • bett bite
  • främling stranger
  • försiktigt gently
  • filt blanket
  • stå vänd mot face
  • knuffa upp push open
  • skarp keen
  • enda single
  • välbekant familiar
  • längre further
  • valp pup
  • ett...till, ännu ett another
  • morrande growl
  • absolut, helt säkert definitely
  • tass paw
  • blöja nappy
  • knuffa in nudge
  • skrämma iväg scare away
  • strupe throat
  • slåss med fight fought fought
  • slita sig loss pull away
  • slå tillbaka strike struck struck back
  • flyga fly flew flown
  • mage stomach
  • tjuta yelp
  • kamp, strid battle
  • yla howl
  • kasta sig uppåt lunge upward
  • kraft, styrka strength
  • lyckas manage
  • tröstande comforting
  • krama hug
  • blodig, täckt av blod covered in blood
  • sår wound
  • Fan ta dig! Goddamm you!
  • krama squeeze
  • avtryckare trigger

All None

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