Robin Hood bas och extra

The exercise was created 2016-04-11 by 10385. Question count: 31.

Select questions (31)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • the 13th century 1200-talet
  • fought abroad stred utomlands
  • had changed hade förändrats
  • would steal brukade stjäla
  • outlaw fredlös person
  • merry glad, munter
  • giant log jättestor timmerstock
  • neither of them ingen av dem
  • honour ära
  • join komma med bland
  • has been told har berrättats
  • gather samlas
  • lose, lost, lost tappa, tappade, tappat
  • anywhere någonstans
  • agree hålla med
  • characters huvudpersoner
  • thief, thieves tjuv, tjuvar
  • soldier soldat
  • country land
  • Friar Tuck broder Tuck
  • knew how to use visste hur man skulle använda
  • stick käpp
  • weapon vapen
  • winner vinnare
  • fight slagsmål, kamp
  • stream å, bäck
  • drop tappa, slänga i
  • soon snart
  • legend legend
  • have seen har sett
  • have read har läst

All None

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