Rosa Parks Champ.5 Ch.18

The exercise was created 2019-05-17 by zperbos. Question count: 36.

Select questions (36)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • seperated skilda åt
  • elevator hiss
  • entrance ingång
  • African-American afroamerikan
  • get on stiga på
  • downtown centrum
  • like precis som
  • decide bestämma
  • marked märkt
  • celebrate fira
  • different olik
  • ticket biljett
  • according to enligt
  • church kyrka
  • from av
  • driver förare
  • get off stiga av
  • law lag
  • seat sittplats
  • row rad
  • colored färgad
  • passenger passagerare
  • hey hallå där
  • to the back längst bak
  • No, I will not. Nej det gör jag inte.
  • have someone arrested låta arretera någon
  • minister präst
  • boykott bojkott
  • half hälften av
  • company företag
  • protesters de som protesterade
  • do the shopping handla
  • area område
  • end sluta
  • rider passagerare
  • right up front allra längst fram

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