Rote learning is Bad-and other Myths about Educ...

The exercise was created 2018-11-14 by Peking71. Question count: 22.

Select questions (22)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • rote learning memorera/lära utantill
  • transferable skills överförda färdigheter. Ex: kommunikation
  • myths myter/sagor
  • educationalist utbildare
  • cognitive science hjärnforskning
  • "created quite a stir" skapat uppståndelse
  • symptom symptom/ tecken
  • emphasise understryka
  • conceptual knowledge principförståelse
  • facilitate möjliggör
  • cementing into memory fästa i minnet
  • impart sprida
  • significant betydande
  • groundwork grundläggande arbete
  • perceived conflict upplevd konflikt
  • in opposition står i motsats
  • conceptual understanding se ovan: conceptual knowledge
  • commiting to memory att förankra/ lägga på minnet
  • equipped utrustad
  • groundbreaking banbrytande/nyskapande
  • obsolete bortglömt/inaktuell
  • fundamentals grunder

All None

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