SAT 3-5

The exercise was created 2024-05-13 by Alma050. Question count: 36.

Select questions (36)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Adversity Difficult situation
  • Adverse Having a negative effect on something
  • Adversary An enemy or an opponent
  • Emulate To copy something achived by someone and try to do it aswell as they have
  • Exasperating Extremly annoying
  • Extenuating The act of causing a wrong act to be judged less seriously by giving reasons for it
  • Benevolent Kind and helpful
  • Precocious Showing mental development much earlier than usual
  • Prudent Careful and avoiding risks
  • Enhance To improve the quality of something
  • Ostentatious Too obviously showing your money in attempt to make other people notice you notice and admire you
  • Substantiate To show something to be true
  • Haugthy Showing the insulting personality of people who think they are better
  • Tenacious Not easily pulled apart
  • Fortuitous Happening by a chance
  • Opulent Very comfortable and expensive
  • Procrastinate To be slow or late about doing something that should be done
  • Antagonism A strong feeling of dislike or hatered
  • Discredit To cause something to seem dishonest, damage the rep of someone
  • Vindicate To show that someone should not be blamed for a crime
  • Antagonist A person who opposes another person
  • Mundane Dull and ordinary
  • Restrained Showing careful self controll not too careful or fancy
  • Audacity Brave but rude or shocking behaviour
  • Aviory Large cage or building for keeping birds in
  • Abstinence Not allowing yourself something and feeling abstain from it
  • Arid Having little to no content
  • Assiduous Working very hard and taking care that everything is done
  • Amicable Done in a polite or friendly way without arguing
  • Aorimonious Angry and full of strong bitter feelings
  • Gullible Too willingly to belive what other people tell you
  • Infalliable Never wrong, never making mistakes
  • Lethargy The state of not having any energy for doing things
  • Ambivalent Showing both good and bad feelings about something
  • Animated Full of interest and energy
  • Apathy The feeling of not being interested in something

All None

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