The exercise was created 2021-09-20 by Rebfor17. Question count: 16.

Select questions (16)

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  • Benevolent motivated by sympathy/ generosity: goodhearetd, kind.
  • Capacious large in capacity: spacious
  • Condescending (used of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treat others with condescension. “looking down at”
  • Diligent quietly and steadily persevering especially in detail or exactness. (Noggrann) Someone that is hardworking.
  • Empathy understanding and entering into another's feelings (Empathy more deeper than sympathy)
  • Exemplary worthy of imitation (Being honorable, admarbale), (Exemplary work)
  • Frugal avoiding waste (Being cheap, economical), (ekonomisk)
  • Inconsequential lacking worth or importance (unimportant)
  • Mundane found in the ordinary course of events (boring, ordinary).
  • Pragmatic concerned with practical matters (pragmatisk)
  • Prosperity the condition of prospering; having good fortune (being a success)
  • Reconciliation the reestablishing of cordial relations (reunion- not high school reunion, it's a reunion built on a conflict). Restabilizing a conflict.
  • Scrutinize examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification. carefully respect something)
  • Subtle difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze ( indirect)
  • Tenacious stubbornly unyielding ( stubborn).
  • Wary marked by keen caution and watchful prudence (watch full, couisicus).

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