
The exercise was created 2024-12-10 by simon02. Question count: 45.

Select questions (45)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Semantics Study of widely shared meaning
  • Referential meaning The objective meaning
  • Associative meaning The subjective/contextual meaning
  • Hyponomy Words that partly share meaning, like dog and horse-->Animal. Animal=Subordinate. Co-Hyponyms=dog, horse
  • Prototypes The typical charactetistic of a word (Robin and bird)
  • Homophones Pail/pale sale/sail
  • Homonyms More than one meaning "bat"
  • Polysemy Words with the same or related meaning "foot"
  • Agent Performs action
  • Theme Entity involved/affected by the action
  • Instrument Entity used to perform the action
  • Experience Enity experiencing something but do not perform an action, e.g has a feeling
  • Location Location of entity
  • Source where the entity moves
  • goal where the entity moves to
  • Metonomy Words with close relation, bottle/liquid inside it
  • Physical context Location where words occur
  • Lingustic context Surrounding words decide meaning
  • Deictic expression words that require context
  • person (deixis) you, me (who)
  • Spatial (deixis) (where) here, there, wherever
  • Temporal (deixis) (when) today, tomorrow
  • Reference Speaker use language to identify something
  • Inference Speaker use language to refer to something else. Nouns--> People (Calvin Klein)
  • Antecedent mentioning something for the first time
  • Anaphora reffering back to antecdent
  • Presupposition what the speaker assumes the listener already knows
  • pragmatic markers shows attitude to what's being said "you know"
  • Hedges words lessening a statement
  • Implicatures additional conveyed meaning. Can you pass me the salt
  • Gricean Maxims quantity, quality, co-operative, relation, manner
  • The quantity maxim Only be as informative as required
  • The quality maxim only say things you can back up, no lies
  • The co-operative Only contribute the appropriate amount
  • The relation Be relevant
  • The manner maxim Be clear, brief and orderly
  • Positive face and negative face positive: need to belong. Negative: Need to be independant
  • Speech acts Direct: phrases where you want to know the answer. Indirect: phrases when we say something but mean something else (it's cold in here)
  • Discourse language beyond the sentence
  • Cohesion Technical connections between the sentence
  • Coherence How ideas make sense
  • Agency pairs Words following one another (HI! Hello!)
  • Conversation repair Speaker says a problem and rephrases
  • Schema Knowledge how a specific schema is like. Like a classroom.
  • Script Things that we will except to happen. Like at the register in a supermarket

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