Serial episode 1

The exercise was created 2024-10-24 by MartinaBila. Question count: 14.

Select questions (14)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • diligence the quality of working carefully and with a lot of effort
  • trawl to search among a large number or many different places in order to find people or information you want
  • bloodhound a type of dog with an unusually good ability to smell something, sometimes used for hunting animals or finding people
  • discredit to cause people to stop respecting someone or believing in an idea or person
  • undermine to make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually
  • affidavit a written statement that someone makes after promising officially to tell the truth. An affidavit can be used as proof in a law court.
  • confide to tell something secret or personal to someone who you trust not to tell anyone else
  • alibi proof that someone who is thought to have committed a crime could not have done it, especially the fact or statement that they were in another place at the time it happened
  • tangible real and not imaginary; able to be shown, touched, or experienced
  • problematic full of problems or difficulties
  • staunch always loyal in supporting a person, organization, or set of beliefs or opinions
  • adamant impossible to persuade, or unwilling to change an opinion or decision
  • foundation an idea or fact that something is based on
  • mosque a building for Islamic religious activities and worship

All None

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