The exercise was created 2018-09-27 by garridu. Question count: 226.

Select questions (226)

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  • N-region insertion is associated with the expression of ... terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
  • Suppression of Th2 by Th1 cells may be mediated by ... IFG
  • The spinothalamic tract transmits impulses of: pain, temp
  • Which of the following responds to vibration and rapidly changing pressure? pacini
  • Neurological examination of a patient reveals right-sided spastic hemiplegia and Babinski sign. Which of the following is the most likely site of the lesion? left capsula interna
  • Couples two iodotyrosine residues to form an iodothyronine residue thyroid peroxidase
  • Which of the following structures is a remnant of the embryonic ventral mesentery? lig falciform
  • What type of glands are the glands of Moll? apocrine sweat
  • What structure is called yellow cartilage? elastic
  • Vid hög höjd kommer en frisk person att hyperventilera. Effekten av det blir att ... bikarb utsöndr njurar
  • Nerverna får sensorisk information från sinus och glomulus caroticum. 9, 10
  • Vilken sensorisk information krävs för normal balanskontroll? visuell, exteroceptiv, proprioceptiv, vestibulär
  • The layer of follicular cells surrounding the oocyte and that remain with it after ovulation is called: corona radiata
  • Muscles of facial expression come from the ....... pharyngeal arch 2
  • Vilken nerv innerverar m. tensor tympani? mandibularis
  • Near the terminal bronchioles the movement of air is accomplished by bulk flow ja
  • membrane time constant is a product of ....... ...... and .......... membrane resistance, capacitance
  • om a renalis får stenosis komme renin utsläpp att öka eller sjunka öka
  • The next ovulatory cycle after implantation is postponed because of hcg
  • hör mesosalpinx och ovary ihop? nej
  • muskelspolar känsligheten anpassas till muskelns tillstånd genom alpha och gamma-innervation ja
  • The conversion of nascent chylomicrons to mature chylomicrons requires which one of the following? HDL
  • Where is sperm stored and matured? epidydimis
  • när man reser sig från liggande till stående kommer MSFP att öka eller sjunka öka
  • The ...... zone of the airways constitutes the anatomic dead space conducting
  • germinal center B-cells does initial VDJ rearrangement nej
  • Which of the following hormenes is derived from a precusors containing other hormones? acth
  • Secretin is a hormone that acts as an ........... enterogastrone
  • Which of the following is the most important physiologic regulator of thyroid hormone secretion? thyrotropin
  • Nicotine stimulates receptors on: SA node
  • innerverar n pudental livmodern? nej
  • Vilken nerv innerverar m.extensor pollicis longus? n rad
  • The pons and cerebellum develop from the: meten
  • Ureter, renal pelvis, calices and collecting tubules of the kidney develop from the? ureteric bud
  • Neutrophil chemotaxis is mediated by .. IL 8
  • ökad CFC ..... den kapillära filtrationen ökar
  • The .......-........ curve describes the amount of charge necessary to reach threshold strength-duration
  • When Langerhans' cells differentiate into fully mature dendritic cells (DCs) they ... decr b7.1
  • ... artärresistens ger ger minskad transkapillär filtration ökad
  • Huvuddelen av transporten av triglycerider i blodet sker med chylomikroner ja
  • T-lymfocyter utmognar som svar på signaler från ............... thymusepitelceller
  • Velocity of a cardiac action potential is lowest in the: AV node
  • The enzyme responsible for gastric acid secretion is: H/K ATPase
  • The maternal recognition of pregnancy occurs as a result of the hcg från trophoblast
  • The large bundles in the ventral midbrain which carry major tracts that originate in the cerebral cortex and terminate in the brainstem and spinal cord are the: cerebral peduncles
  • Which of the following gene clusters do not contribute to antigen binding ... CL
  • TCR recognition of peptide-MHC class II depends on ... CDR
  • To which one of the following groups would it be acceptable to give a live attenuated viral vaccine? ... unga barn
  • The renal extraction of glucose at plasma glucose concentrations well above threshold approaches that of inulin ja
  • Vad kännetecknar broskvävnad hyaluronsyra
  • Which of the following structures participate in formation of genital ducts in female embryo? paramesonephric duct
  • What is the innervation of an apocrine sweat gland? SNS, adrenalin
  • lamina muscularis mukosa är viktig för ........ av födan omrörning
  • ...... ....... couples two iodotyrosine residues to form an iodothyronine residue thyroid peroxidase
  • Protein-calorie malnutrition does not affect ... of bacteria phagocytos
  • The omental apron of the greater omentum is a ........ layer of peritoneum quadruple
  • Vilka celler bildar TRH? hypothal nerver
  • What is the outer layer of the GI tract called when it is abutting another organ? adv
  • ...... stimulate the expression of the GH gene in somatotrophs rhyroidhormon
  • The principal mineralocorticoid in the body is aldosterone
  • What are the conglomerations of gray matter deep within the cerebrum and cerebellum called? nuclei
  • the process by which male gametes (sperm) are produced spermatogenesis
  • The production of epinephrine depends on: cortisol
  • The migrating motor complex is only observed in the ......... fasting
  • Which peripheral plasma hormone measurement most accurately reflects its secretion? cortisol
  • Ses efter skada av balansorganets semicirkulära kanaler. nystagmus
  • ...... binds testosterone with a higher affinity than estradiol SHBG
  • What is the primary cell of the intestinal epithelium of the large intestine? columnar absorptive cell
  • vit D eller PTH primarily interact(s) with nuclear receptors D
  • glukos hämmar .....siktigt genom direkta effekter på ........ kort, hypothalamus
  • The less regular organization of thick and thin filaments in ..... muscle smooth
  • ......... innebär att ögats optiska system bryter ljus för mycket myopi
  • The corticospinal tracts cross the midline on the ventral aspect of the brainstem in the: pyramidal decussation
  • Autonomic sensory fibers synapse upon the pain-sensitive second-order spinal interneurons that receive somatic pain sensations. ja
  • Which of the following substances has the highest renal clearance? PAH
  • Which segment can establish the steepest pH gradient (tubular fluid-to-blood)? coll duct
  • T-cell mediated suppression can be due to Th2 cells suppressing Th1 by IL-4 or IL-10 ja
  • Which foramen, located in the petrous part of the temporal bone, transmits the facial and vestibulocochlear cranial nerves? internal auditory meatus
  • What is the light band in muscle? I
  • pankreaslipas utsöndras till magtarmkanalen i aktiv form? ja
  • The primary auditory cortex is the part of the: gyrus temporalis superior & transversus
  • What type of tissue makes up the epiglottis? elastiskt
  • Vilken nerv innerverar underbenets ventrala muskler? n peroneus profundus
  • The cytoplasmic region of surface IgM consists of ... 3 aa
  • The ligament connecting adjacent vertebral laminae is the: lig flavum
  • Which large bundle of nerve fibres connects the pons to the cerebellum? middle cerebellar peduncle
  • histamin ...... hydrostatiskt kap tryck, ...... CFC och ....... filtrationen ökar
  • the wavelength of the AP is increased if the action potential duration is decreased nej
  • the myelin sheath ...creases the effective membrane resistance in
  • What is the connective tissue covering of a muscle fascicle? perimysium
  • The complementarity determining regions kan också kallas vad? HVR
  • Specific antibodies are readily detectable in serum following primary contact with antigen after ... 5-7 dagar
  • What is the lining of the inner bone on the side which abuts the medullary cavity? endosteum
  • vad kommer njuren att ge ifrån sig vid vit D produktion? 1,25-dihydroxy-calciferol
  • Vilken/vilka rörelser medverkar m.supraspinatus främst i? abd
  • The molecules mediating signal transduction following antigen binding to cell surface immunoglobulin on a B-cell are called ... CD79a, CD79b
  • The forebrain has two subdivisions known as the: tele, di
  • The major pressures that determine filtration and absorption of fluid by capillaries are the cap hydrostat & plasma colloid
  • upper vagina, cervix & uterus kommer från vilken sak i development? paramesonephric ducts
  • Urogenital folds in female embryo give rise to? lab min
  • What is the line that bisects the dark band in muscle? M
  • To which lymph nodes does the lymph of the testes NOT drain to?: inguinal
  • relax of LES Involves increased VIF and decreased VEF discharge ja
  • The basilar artery divides into: two posterior cerebral a
  • Ureter, renal pelvis, calices and collecting tubules of the kidney develop from the? ureteric bud
  • m pec majos kontraherar vid (forcerad) inandning? ja
  • The ventricular space that separates the cerebellum from the dorsal aspect of the pons and medullar is the: 4
  • Sensory ataxia is characterized by jerky, imprecise movements nej
  • Vilken av följande förnimmelser förmedlas via impulser som initieras i 'fria nervändslut'? temp
  • Vilken nerv innerverar m.extensor indicis? rad
  • The germinal center is an important site of B cell ......... maturation
  • Glukagon leder till fosforylering och aktivering av glykogenfosforylas, pyruvatkinas samt inaktivering av acetyl-CoA-karboxylas i levern ja
  • Vilken nerv innerverar m. tensor veli palatini? levator? mand, vagus
  • The mucosal surfaces of the body are initially protected by free ... iga
  • The terminal dilated part of the hindgut is called the? cloaca
  • Vilket av följande hormon är viktigast för längdtillväxt vid puberteten hos flickor GH
  • increased plasma osmotic pressure would or would not be expected to result in edema in the lower extremities? not
  • Vilka strukturer passerar i karpaltunneln? n med, flex dig spf + prf, flex pollicis long
  • Which of the following would lead to referred pain felt at the tip of the right scapula? inflam gallbladder
  • Vilket av följande är mest typiskt vid hjärtsvikt ortopne
  • What are the folds of the stomach called? rugae
  • Var fäster m.abductor pollicis longus in på handen? metakarp 1
  • gravity will cause ...... pressure to be greater at the base of the lung compared with the apex capillary
  • thoracic duct forms the interface between the..... and ..... lymf, blood
  • m. tibialis anterior går bakom den mediala maleolen nej
  • glukagon är ett peptidhormon som verkar via ..... cAMP
  • Vilken/vilka rörelser medverkar m.teres minor främst i? utrot
  • Vilka strukturer bilder den främre väggen av spatium axillare? pec maj, min
  • CCK görs i levern nej
  • Muskelspolars känslighet för längdförändringar kan styras av gamma neuron
  • Vilken perifer nerv innerverar m.opponens? med
  • Receptormedierat upptag av chylomikronrester i levern kräver apoE ja
  • pankreas utsöndrar lipas och amylas i aktiv form ja
  • RVR (venös återflödesresistens) beror på MSFP nej
  • Units with high V/Q ratios cannot add enough oxygen to blood to offset the oxygen loss caused by units with low V/Q ratios ja
  • The synthesis of Ca2+-binding GLA residues in factors II (prothrombin), VII, IX, and X requires vitamin K ja
  • Which of the following is characteristically produced by the Th2 CD4 cells which provide help for antibody production, but not by Th1 cells? IL 4
  • The increase in oxygen consumption by muscle during maximal exercise after physical training is primarily supplied by CO, C extraction
  • The ear canal amplifies the sound at about ....... particularly well 3 kHz
  • low P/Q ger PaO2=??? mm Hg; PaCO2=???? mm Hg 60, 40
  • Glukagon kan eller kan inte stimulerar spjälkning av upplagrat fett i fettceller (i vit fettväv) kan
  • Engage in intercourse, which depends on erection of the penis sexual potency
  • The region of the nephron where, in the absence of ADH, the tubular fluid is always hypertonic is henles
  • What is the surface layer of masticatory mucosa composed of? ker & nonker strat squam
  • Blodflödet i binjurebarken går i huvudsak ...... och .......... utifrån, in
  • Which large artery courses on the surface of the basilar pons and gives rise to short and long pontine branches which supply the pons? a basilaris
  • TSH stimulerar främst nedbrytning av ........ tyroglobulin
  • Which layer of the epidermis contains dividing cells? basale
  • Vad är det som sträcker sig upp från det underliggande lamina ganglionare i cerebellum? purkinjecellers dendriter
  • he spleen is largely involved with the response to antigens which are in the ... blood
  • Vad är det latinska namnet på kannbrosk? cart arytenoida
  • Vilka celler i det spermiebildande epitelet ligger mot basalmembranet spermatogonier
  • deficiency of apolipoprotein E ger vad för symptom? mer fria TAG
  • .... .... ........... is due to a deficiency of apolipoprotein E typ 3 hyperlipidemia
  • The low affinity Fc gamma RII IgG receptor binds aggregated .... IgG
  • What is the end of an axon called? terminal bouton
  • The thin vertical membrane between the anterior commissure and optic chiasm in the adult brain is? lamina terminalis
  • Var fäster m.flexor carpi ulnaris in på handen? pisiform
  • The presence of oxygen ........ carbon dioxide content in the blood lowers
  • ......... behövs för sekretion av triglycerider i VLDL apo B100
  • The AV conduction time is reflected in the: PR interval
  • The T-cell receptor antigen recognition signal is transduced by ... CD3
  • presence of absences of ...... ........... factor determines gonad dev testis determining
  • What portion of the visual field is represented in the left lateral geniculate nucleus? hö sida båda ögon
  • Vilka strukturer passerar hiatus tendineus adductorius? van femoralis
  • van femoralis passerar vilken hiatus? tendineus adductorius
  • Salivary amylase does or does not protect body surfaces not
  • Sensitivity of the control system is inversely related to the prevailing PaO2 ja
  • används anti-immunoglobulin för att direct conjugate to the antibody for visualizing tissue antigens? nej
  • Vilken perifer nerv innerverar hypothernarmuskulaturen? uln
  • Which type of bone has spicules? spongy
  • annat ord för spongy bone cancellous
  • vilken av hjärtats retledningssystem hittar du i trabecula septomarginalis (moderatorbandet)? crus dx
  • genom vad går crus dx trabecula septomarginalis, moderatorbandet
  • Var utspringer m.biceps brachii caput breve? coracoid
  • insulin gives inhibition of protein degradation in ........ muscle skeletal
  • What peptide(s) is(are) involved in the regulation of serum Ca2+ levels? PTH, vit D or both? PTH
  • Vilka strukturer återfinns i handledens tredje dorsala senfack? ext poll long
  • Hepatic clearance of activated coagulation factors but not their inactive forms does what mindre intravask koag
  • Nervgrenen har sensoriska grenar från hårda gommen. palatinus major
  • kontraktioner i glattmuskelceller är helt beroende eller oberoende av AP? ober
  • What are Sharpey's fibers made out of? collagen
  • colon .... blodförsörjs helt via grenar från a. mesenterica inf desc
  • Vilken nerv innerverar m.supinator? rad
  • The dural sinus that runs in the attached margin of the tentorium cerebelli against the occiput of the skull is the: transverse sinus
  • The apolipoproteins B-48 and B-100 are similar with respect to which one of the following? gjord från samma gen
  • The terms splenium, genu and rostrum refer to the: corpus callosum
  • Spinal cord circuitry for the flexion-crossed extension reflex involves many interneurons. ja
  • Stretching a muscle spindle leads to increased activity in Ib afferents. nej
  • Where are apocrine sweat glands NOT found? post neck
  • Vid en plötslig ökning av trycket i njurartären kommer en av följande faktorer att minska. Vilken? ECF
  • Portacavala anastomoser innefattar INTE vidgade kärl under ...... levern
  • The renal extraction of glucose at plasma glucose concentrations well above threshold approaches that of inulin ja
  • The duration of the EPSP of a motor neuron is approximately 10 msec
  • Which of the following is NOT a population of pacemaker cells in the heart? endocard or papillary mm? papillary
  • The human fetus secretes hormones that initiate parturition when it has reached maturity nej
  • The .......... potential exhibits temporal and spatial summations but the ........ potential does not receptor, action
  • Which area of the circulation offers the greatest resistance to blood flow? arterioles
  • What type of tissue is Wharton's jelly? mukös CT
  • What large foramen in the middle cranial fossa transmits the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve? foramen ovale
  • (Na, K)-ATPase activity is essential for maintaining the inward Na+ electrochemical gradient ja
  • Nervgrenen innerverar sensoriskt området över och kring örat. n auricularis magnus
  • Nervgrenen innerverar sensoriskt området över tinningen. n auriculotemporale
  • Vilka ben ingår i art.talocrurale dvs. övre språngbensleden? tib, fib, talus
  • vad heter övre språngbensleden på latin? art talocrurale
  • The ability of hormones to be effective regulators of biological function despite circulating at very low concentrations results from signal amplification
  • vad tänkas uppstå efter en blodpropp i arteria cerebri anterior på vänster sida? spasm förlam hö fot
  • Which one of the following properties is INCORRECT for slow Ca2+ (L-type) channels smaller single-channel conductance
  • Which of the following causes increased tubular secretion of hydrogen ions? mer na reab
  • The Müllerian-inhibiting hormone is synthesized and secreted by ......... cells sertoli
  • annat namn för P/T och M banor? parvocellulära, magnocellulära
  • Which one of the following occurs to fuels in the process of respiration? oxid för ATP
  • Which tract is responsible for control of finger dexterity? corticospinal
  • Hur många neutrofila granulocyter bildas ungefär per dygn i benmärgen hos en vuxen frisk människa? 1011
  • The reaction catalyzed by thyroid peroxidase gör vad 2 jodthyrosin = jodthyronin
  • lite glu-6-fosfatas ger lågt ....... samt höga nivåer av ........ och ..... i blodet blodsocker, laktat, alanin
  • The bone marrow is a site of ...... ........ antibody production long term
  • The efferent error signal is fed back directly to the system that is to be maintained at steady-state ja
  • trachea har ett respirationsvägsepitel, mycket ..... i submukosan och .......... i broskringen körtlar, muskulatur
  • The most important direct stimulus for pepsinogen secretion is: pns
  • The Edinger-Westphal nucleus contains preganglionic neurons which give origin to efferent fibers that run to which of the following ganglia? ciliary
  • CSFs pH is a function of ....... PaCO2
  • Which of the following substances has the highest RENAL clearance? PAH
  • upper motor neurons synapse on ............ neurons and/or ....... motor neurons. local circuit, lower
  • ........ hair cells can actively contribute to basilar membrane's fluctuations and thereby regulate the ear's sensitivity to different frequencies, among other things outer
  • a possible anatomic path for a red blood cell passing through a fetus and back to the placenta? HF, ductus art, desc a, umbilical a

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