Social Media Is Harming the Mental Health of Teens

The exercise was created 2017-12-03 by Gracielis. Question count: 32.

Select questions (32)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • skada harm
  • mental hälsa mental health
  • krönikör columnist
  • medveten conscious
  • svara respond
  • mani, galenskap craze
  • förbryllande baffling
  • en studie, undersökning a study
  • engagera sig med engage with
  • öka increase
  • ängslan, oro anxiety
  • tillgänglig, ledig available
  • känslomässigt engagerad emotionally invested
  • skadlig detrimental
  • mag-tarminflammation gastroenteritis
  • press pressure
  • uttröttad, utmattad exhausted
  • katastrof disaster
  • i kontakt med looped in with
  • dröja kvar linger
  • genomsnitt average
  • två gånger twice
  • oproportionerligt disproportionately
  • påverka affect
  • självförakt self-loathing
  • mobbning bullying
  • fara peril
  • lagstadgad statutory
  • säkerställa ensure
  • medgivande, samtycke consent
  • overksamhet inaction
  • välbefinnande wellbeing

All None

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