Some & any, etc.

The exercise was created 2022-05-10 by lousku. Question count: 13.

Select questions (13)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Jag har inte sett något. I haven't seen anything.
  • Hon la märke till någon. She noticed somebody.
  • Har vi någon juice? Do we have any juice?
  • Kan du ge mig lite socker? Could you get me some sugar?
  • Han kände ingen på skolan. He didn't know anybody at school.
  • La du märke till något? Did you notice anything?
  • Jag känner någon som är väldigt rolig. I know somebody who's really funny.
  • Vill ni ha något att dricka medan ni väntar? Do you want something to drink while you wait?
  • Jag har lite pengar kvar. I have some money left.
  • Hon har några intressanta idéer. She's got some interesting ideas.
  • Har de spelat några matcher? Have they played any games?
  • Kan han få lite ledigt, tack! Could he get some time off, please.
  • Jag ska berätta nåt kul för dig. I'm going to tell you something funny.

All None

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