Sp7 GRUND - Läxa till Lektion 2, vecka 17

The exercise was created 2024-04-19 by 022torhul. Question count: 14.

Select questions (14)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • o as a amos áis an ändelser -AR-verb
  • o es e emos éis en ändelser -ER-verb
  • o es e imos ís en ändelser -IR-verb
  • jugamos al balonmano vi spelar handboll
  • juegan al bandy sala de spelar innebandy
  • hago/hace natación jag/hen simmar
  • hacen atletismo de friidrottar
  • correr springa
  • montar a caballo rida
  • juega al baloncesto hen spelar basket
  • lleva zapatillas rojas hen har på sig röda gympaskor
  • calcetines azules blåa strumpor
  • camisetas y pantalones rojos röda byxor och t-shirts
  • pantalones cortos kortbyxor

All None

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