Spotlight 6 week Steve Irwin

The exercise was created 2025-03-06 by haithu. Question count: 10.

Select questions (10)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Han har ansvar för projektet. He is in charge of the project.
  • Det är inte så vanligt nuförtiden. It is not so usual these days.
  • Stingrockan blev uppäten av en haj. The stingray was eaten by a shark.
  • Vi var förbluffade över den fina naturen. We were amazed by the beautiful nature.
  • Vi stod öga mot öga med noshörningen. We stood face to face with the rhino.
  • Jag tycker om att kela med sköldpaddan. I like to cuddle with the tortoise.
  • Inget besök är komplett utan ett besök hos krokodilerna. No visit is complete without a visit at the crocodiles.
  • Kan jag mata djuren? Can I feed the animals?
  • Du kan fortsätta med dina sysslor. You can get on with your duties.
  • Han jobbade som jägare. He worked as a hunter.

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