Systematics final lab

The exercise was created 2024-04-09 by HansGlosorManitoba. Question count: 9.

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  • Superorder for esociformes, salmoniformes Protacanthopterygii
  • Superorder for osmeri and argentiformes, stomiiformes (smelt, capelin, deepsea smelt, slickhead, m.hatchet)) osmeromorpha
  • Superorder aulopiformes (lizardfish) cyclosquamata
  • superorder myctophiformes scopelomorpha
  • superorder percopsiformes, gadiformes Paracanthopterygii
  • Superorder batrachiodif. lophiif. mugilif. atherinif. belonif. cyprinodontif. Acanthopterygii
  • superorder berycif. gasterosteif. percif. acanthopterygii
  • superorder percif. gobiif. blennif. acanthurif. labrif. scombrif. cichlif. Acanthopterygii
  • superorder scorpaenif. pleuronectif. tetraodontif. Acanthopterygii

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