The american alligator Explore

The exercise was created 2023-08-31 by zperbos. Question count: 30.

Select questions (30)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • armor rustning
  • jaws käkar
  • relatives släktingar
  • giant stora
  • lizards ödlor
  • tours rundturer
  • wide heads breda huvuden
  • adult vuxen
  • weigh väga
  • once a week en gång i veckan
  • skin skinn
  • wide brett
  • been around har funnits
  • millions of years miljontals år
  • airboats träskbåtar
  • cold enough tillräckligt kallt
  • hide gömmer sig
  • wait väntar
  • extremely väldigt, extremt
  • bite bett
  • muscles muskler
  • probably förmodligen
  • shut stängd
  • the closest det närmaste
  • toward mot
  • hiding som gömmer sig
  • come along kommer förbi
  • go without food klara sig utan mat
  • similarities likheter
  • differences skillnader

All None

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