The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, chapter 16-18

The exercise was created 2023-04-28 by msjenman. Question count: 30.

Select questions (30)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • front row första bänkraden
  • dawned on him gick upp för honom
  • inconsolable otröstlig
  • pity tycka synd om
  • to his credit det ska han ha beröm för
  • pronounce uttala
  • opposite motsats
  • persisted envisades
  • misshapen missbildad
  • filth smuts
  • gets her own way får sin vilja igenom
  • lacked saknade
  • chimney skorsten
  • eavesdrop tjuvlyssna
  • permit tillåta
  • reluctantly ovilligt
  • commitment engagemang
  • dread frukta
  • cautiously försiktigt
  • flat-out säga rakt ut
  • reject vägra
  • topic ämne
  • sorrow sorg
  • brainwave snilleblixt
  • no one would be any the wiser ingen skulle märka något
  • in high spirits upprymd
  • remotely avlägset
  • reveal avslöja
  • patience tålamod
  • pin knappnål

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