The Difficulties of Consuming News

The exercise was created 2017-04-18 by Peking71. Question count: 33.

Select questions (33)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • torrent ström
  • terrible blunder hemskt misstag
  • coy undvikande
  • miniscule minimal
  • extract utdrag
  • narrative berättelse
  • miniscule extracts of narratives pyttesmå utdrag från berättelser
  • emerge from a perspective komma fram ur ett (tids)perspektiv
  • hence alltså
  • snatched här:spridda
  • reliable pålitlig
  • bill lagförslag
  • majestic majestätisk; kungligt
  • conduit ledare; kanal
  • evolve utveckla
  • incidental features tillfälliga drag
  • guarantors garanter
  • woefully beklagligt
  • distillation renodling
  • curation bevarande
  • insidious dolda
  • fractured sönderbruten
  • intermittent tillfälligt
  • contemporary samtida
  • sinister olycksbådande
  • interspersed blandat med
  • antics konstigt beteende
  • grasp fatta
  • perception uppfattning
  • harness fånga
  • grapple with brottas med
  • intimidate skrämma
  • engage engagera

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