The First Americans

The exercise was created 2023-05-04 by Annber. Question count: 44.

Select questions (44)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • slättland, prärie plain
  • stam tribe
  • sedvänja custom
  • jaga hunt
  • till fots on foot
  • båge bow
  • pil arrow
  • spjut spear
  • tält tent
  • bosättare settler
  • till de bättre for better
  • till det sämre for worse
  • jaktmark hunting ground
  • regering government
  • överenskommelse agreement
  • tillåta allow
  • oxe, oxar ox, oxen
  • föra med sig bring, brought, brought
  • sjukdom disease
  • smittkoppor smallpox
  • krigare warrior
  • vagnkaravan wagon train
  • vissa certain
  • landområde territory
  • gå med på agree
  • proviant supplies
  • lova promise
  • besegra defeat
  • spår trail
  • huvudsakligen mainly
  • svälta starve
  • tvinga force
  • reservat reservation
  • skadad wounded
  • kompani company
  • seger victory
  • hövding chief
  • hämnd revenge
  • omringa round up
  • frysa freeze, froze, frozen
  • innebära mean
  • kapitulera surrender
  • filt blanket
  • motstånd resistance

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